In the Trenches

Thoughts and Ideas from a Classroom Teacher

About Kelly

kelly headshot - Copy

I’m a wife, a mom to three crazy boys, a teacher, a professional development trainer, and a little bit neurotic. After fifteen years of teaching across the state of North Carolina, I’m currently teaching fifth grade in Guilford County. I love being part of the Discovery Educator Network as a Leadership Council member, blogger, and DEN Guru. I’m also a Kenan Fellow with NC Department of Public Instruction. Every day is a challenge to do my best for my kids. In addition to my work with Discovery Education and Kenan Fellows, I am also a SMART Certified Trainer and teach online SMART Courses for Global Classroom. I am in the process of  completing Data Literacy training with NCCAT, and in a few weeks I will be a Data Literacy trainer. I am working, also, with the State Network of Educators and Smarter Balanced to develop formative assessment resources for educators.


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11 responses to “About Kelly

  1. Allison Gale says:

    Hello Kelly,

    Did you formally work at LMS near Wilmington? If so, you may remember me, Allison Gale. I used to be an 8th grade English teacher there. I am currently the librarian and I am both live binder and pinterest to come up with creative ideas and keep up with the new common core. I have enjoyed your blog and have taken many ideas from it. Thanks for all your work.
    Allison Gale

  2. Angela Adams says:

    Hello Kelly,
    I was going through different blogs and came across yours. Nice to read about you and your teaching experiences. Are you in Greensboro now?
    Keep writing.
    Angela Adams

  3. Alyssa Kanipe says:


    You and I have met at several different events (NCties, Biltmore Day of Discovery, etc.) I would love to have you come talk about Discovery Education Tools to our staff. Would you be interested? We are in McDowell County – about 2 hours away for you. Just let me know! Thanks!!


  4. Sarah Johnston says:

    Kelly-I noticed your tweet regarding 20% project with your students. I”ve been contemplating doing this with my 7th grade students for the final quarter of the year, as a trial run for next year. If you would be willing to share how you set it up, how you are checking in with kids, etc. I would love to hear about it. Thanks, Sarah

  5. Kevin says:

    Hi Kelly,
    I am a graduate student at the University of Virginia. A classmate and I have developed a new product that teaches science and reinforces math skills through the game of mini golf. (It’s designed for grades 3-6.) The current science lessons are part of a Force, Energy, and Motion unit. We’ve had a few teachers in the area try it and the feedback from teachers has been positive. Their feedback has helped us to re-design our prototype a number of times to better serve their needs. We were wondering if you would be willing to introduce our idea to teachers through your blog to solicit their feedback. We have created a short demo video and some sample lesson plans. For any teachers in Virginia and northern NC, we would be willing to bring the prototype to their classrooms and help them teach it so we can get real-time feedback about how it is used in class and how it can be improved. Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in doing.
    Thanks, Kelly.

  6. Marita says:

    Kelly, It was a pleasure to meet you at DENSI 2013! I’m really amazed at your blog, especially the Professional Development piece. Your care to share with others is inspiring. Thank you, thank you for paving the way!

  7. […] I often forget to update my About Me page, and it’s a landing place for people to find out more about me. So…. the first challenge of the next phase of the 20 Day Blogging Challenge is  to update our About Me pages. Head on over and see what I’ve done with the place! […]

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